Friday, June 12, 2009


I have never gone to sleep with a grievance against anyone. And, as far as I could, I have never let anyone go to sleep with a grievance against me. -Abba Agathon, monk (4th/5th century)

How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. -- Henry David Thoreau

After reading the comment by Thoreau, my fingers did not move...but, only for a moment!! It is beautiful thought. If all we say and do have a home in a good thought, there has got to be a happy ending. I understand the 'happy ending' may or may not equal success as the rest the world calls it, but, contentment and peaceful sleep are a must.

Good intentions backed by committed effort - why won't they succeed? A point to ponder, for sure!!

- Prasad